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In a recent webinar hosted by Alex Wiffen Wiffen, experts from JLL came together to discuss the current state and future of sustainable building design and construction. The conversations delved into a range of topics, including technological advancements, energy efficiency, social equity, and the role of policy and regulation. Here’s a breakdown of the key insights from each part of the discussion:

Technology Driving Sustainable Design

The experts emphasized the pivotal role technology plays in advancing sustainable building design. Building Information Modeling (BIM) emerged as a key tool that aids architects, engineers, and designers in creating more energy-efficient structures. Smart sensors and automation systems enable real-time monitoring of building performance, optimizing energy usage, temperature control, and occupant comfort.

Energy Efficiency and Net Zero Goals

The conversation shifted to energy efficiency and the challenge of achieving net-zero carbon emissions. The experts acknowledged that while renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are essential, equally crucial is reducing energy demand. HVAC analytics were highlighted as a game-changer, enabling a deep understanding of energy usage patterns and facilitating targeted efficiency improvements. The discussion also covered the importance of designing for passive solutions, such as natural ventilation and optimal orientation, to reduce energy consumption.

Social Equity, Data Sharing, and Regulatory Frameworks

The panellists delved into the intersection of sustainability and social equity. They emphasized the need to create inclusive spaces that consider diverse needs and abilities. Data sharing emerged as a critical element, with experts advocating for more collaboration between landlords, tenants, and policymakers to achieve accurate insights into building performance. The role of regulatory frameworks was highlighted, particularly in driving energy-efficient retrofits in existing buildings and pushing for sustainable practices.

Future Cities and Technological Frontiers

The discussion concluded with a look toward the future of cities and sustainable building technologies. Concepts like the “15-minute city,” where essentials are accessible within a short distance, were explored as potential ways to reduce carbon emissions from commuting. Nature-based solutions garnered attention, with insights into how incorporating green elements like trees and water management systems can mitigate urban heat islands and improve city resilience. A consensus emerged that holistic understanding of interconnected systems is key to achieving more sustainable urban environments.

In summary, the webinar series underscored that technology is at the forefront of sustainable building evolution. From smart sensors to innovative retrofitting solutions, the industry is rapidly transforming. However, achieving true sustainability requires collaboration, data sharing, and policy support. As cities look to the future, integrating nature-based solutions and rethinking urban planning hold promise in creating resilient, low-carbon environments that benefit both people and the planet.

Click Here to watch Future of Sustainable Buildings – Thriving in the ESG Era! Webinar;


Matthew Marson, Managing Director EMEA advisory at JLL Technologies;

Andre Bothma, Growth Principal at JLL Spark;

Alister Langdon, Senior Director UK Head of Integrated Sustainability Data.

We hope you find the discussion engaging and insightful! If you would ever be interested in joining us as a panellist please feel free to book a time into Alex’s diary to discuss –

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In a recent webinar titled “The Technologies Transforming Stupid Buildings into Smart Buildings,” industry experts delved into the transformative power of technology in the realm of buildings and construction. This blog provides an overview of the insightful conversation, exploring the key technologies and their impact on the evolution of traditional buildings into intelligent, interconnected structures.

The Rise of Smart Buildings:
The webinar highlighted the growing importance of smart buildings in the modern world. With advancements in technology and the Internet of Things (IoT), buildings are no longer limited to mere physical structures. They are becoming dynamic ecosystems, incorporating various intelligent systems that enhance efficiency, comfort, and sustainability.

Harnessing the Internet of Things (IoT):
One of the fundamental technologies driving the transformation of buildings is the IoT. By connecting devices and sensors throughout a building, IoT enables data collection, analysis, and automation. This connectivity allows building management systems to optimize energy consumption, monitor equipment performance, and provide a personalized experience for occupants.

Intelligent Energy Management:
Energy efficiency emerged as a crucial aspect of smart buildings during the webinar. Advanced energy management systems can monitor energy usage, detect inefficiencies, and make automatic adjustments to optimize consumption. These systems not only reduce costs but also contribute to sustainability efforts by minimizing the environmental impact of buildings.

Enhancing Occupant Experience:
The conversation highlighted the importance of prioritizing the well-being and comfort of building occupants. Smart buildings leverage technologies such as occupancy sensors, smart lighting, and temperature control to create personalized and adaptive environments. These technologies enhance occupant comfort, productivity, and overall satisfaction.

Predictive Maintenance and Asset Management:
Smart buildings leverage predictive maintenance techniques to optimize the lifespan of building systems and equipment. By utilizing data from sensors and predictive analytics, potential issues can be identified and addressed proactively. This approach reduces downtime, lowers maintenance costs, and ensures the efficient operation of critical building systems.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI):
The integration of AI in smart buildings was a significant topic of discussion. AI-powered algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data to identify patterns, optimize energy usage, and automate processes. The combination of AI and IoT empowers buildings to continuously learn, adapt, and improve their operations over time.

Challenges and Future Outlook:
While the potential of smart buildings is immense, the webinar also highlighted several challenges that need to be addressed. These include data security and privacy concerns, interoperability issues, and the need for skilled professionals to design, implement, and maintain smart building systems. However, with ongoing advancements and collaborative efforts, the future of smart buildings appears promising.

The webinar on “The Technologies Transforming Stupid Buildings into Smart Buildings” emphasized the disruptive impact of technology in the construction and building management industry. Smart buildings, enabled by the IoT, AI, and advanced data analytics, offer numerous benefits, including energy efficiency, enhanced occupant experience, and predictive maintenance. While challenges remain, the conversation conveyed a sense of optimism regarding the potential of smart buildings to revolutionize the way we design, construct, and interact with the built environment. As technology continues to evolve, the webinar underscored the importance of embracing these transformative technologies to create sustainable, intelligent buildings that meet the needs of occupants and contribute to a greener future.

Webinar:  The Technologies Transforming Stupid Buildings into Smart Buildings

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In an era marked by increasing environmental concerns and social consciousness, the real estate industry faces unique challenges and opportunities. A recent webinar title hosted by our director Alex Wiffen “The Future Impact of ESG on Real Estate” explored the transformative role of ESG principles in shaping the future of this industry. Renowned experts convened to discuss the significance of sustainable practices, social responsibility, and corporate governance within the real estate sector.

ESG and Sustainable Practices:
The webinar highlighted the growing importance of incorporating environmental sustainability into real estate practices. Speakers stressed the need for energy-efficient buildings, renewable energy sources, and green infrastructure. Sustainable construction materials, water conservation systems, and waste management strategies were also discussed as crucial elements of ESG-focused real estate. By embracing these sustainable practices, the industry can reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.

Social Responsibility in Real Estate:
The conversation then turned to the social aspect of ESG and its impact on real estate. The speakers emphasized the need for inclusivity, diversity, and community engagement in property development. They explored ways to create affordable housing options, promote mixed-income communities, and prioritize accessibility. Additionally, the webinar emphasized the importance of enhancing the well-being of occupants by incorporating wellness features into building design and fostering healthy and vibrant neighborhoods.

Corporate Governance and Accountability:
Another key focus of the webinar was the role of corporate governance in the real estate industry. The speakers discussed the need for transparent and ethical business practices, emphasizing the importance of accountability at all levels. They highlighted the need for greater communication across the different stakeholders in Real Estate and the need for a cultural shift towards data sharing to create a swifter impact across the sector.
By upholding strong corporate governance standards, real estate organizations can build trust, attract investors, and ensure long-term success.

The Future of Real Estate:
The webinar concluded with a forward-looking perspective on the future of real estate under the influence of ESG principles. The speakers expressed optimism about the industry’s potential to drive positive change by embracing sustainable and socially responsible practices. They highlighted emerging trends, such as smart cities, green building certifications, and technology integration, as key drivers of future growth and innovation. By aligning with ESG values, the real estate sector can position itself as a leader in creating sustainable and inclusive communities.

The webinar on “Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance Impact on Real Estate in the Future” shed light on the transformative power of ESG principles within the real estate industry. From embracing sustainable practices to fostering social responsibility and upholding strong corporate governance, the sector has an opportunity to shape a more sustainable and inclusive future. By prioritizing ESG values, real estate professionals can contribute to mitigating climate change, creating affordable housing, and enhancing the well-being of communities. As the industry adapts to the evolving landscape, embracing ESG principles will not only drive positive impact but also unlock long-term success.

Click Here to watch the Webinar

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In a recent webinar, industry experts gathered to discuss the future of office spaces in a rapidly evolving work landscape. With the rise of remote work and changing preferences, organizations are rethinking traditional office setups and exploring new possibilities. The webinar explored various aspects, including the impact of remote work, the importance of regional offices, the role of amenities, and the integration of technology in creating the office of the future.

The Shift to Flexibility:
One key trend identified in the discussion was the increasing demand for flexibility. With the ease of setting up new companies and the rise of startups, shorter and more flexible leases are becoming more common. Many individuals and organizations are opting for smaller office spaces that can adapt to their evolving needs. This trend was amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which accelerated the adoption of remote work and highlighted the importance of flexibility in the workplace.

The Rise of Regional Offices:
The panel also emphasized the significance of regional office spaces. Even with the ability to work remotely, individuals still crave interaction and socialization. Regional offices provide an opportunity for professionals, including engineers and remote workers, to connect with others in their field and access amenities that may not be available at home. The concept of the 15-minute city, where everything is within a short distance, was discussed as a potential future urban development model that could enhance work-life balance.

Importance of Amenities:
Amenities were highlighted as a crucial factor in designing future office spaces. The panelists stressed the need for office environments that foster collaboration, creativity, and well-being. Landlords and property owners were urged to consider the entire experience of tenants, curating spaces that go beyond just the physical office. Mixed-use precincts, combining residential, retail, and corporate spaces, were seen as a way to create vibrant environments that cater to the diverse needs of individuals and enhance community interaction.

The Role of Technology:
The integration of technology, including the metaverse and collaborative tools, was a topic of discussion. While virtual interactions have gained popularity during the pandemic, the panelists acknowledged that not everyone would prefer a completely remote work setup. However, the metaverse was seen as a valuable addition to the office context, particularly in onboarding new employees and facilitating virtual collaboration. Technology was also seen as a tool to improve commuting experiences, making them more productive and less stressful, thereby increasing the appeal of physical office spaces.

As the workplace continues to evolve, organizations are reevaluating the purpose and design of office spaces. The webinar shed light on the future of office environments, emphasizing the importance of flexibility, regional offices, amenities, and technology. Shorter leases and smaller spaces are becoming more popular, accommodating the increasing number of companies and their changing needs. Regional offices offer a way for professionals to connect, socialize, and access amenities that enhance their work experience. Meanwhile, landlords and property owners play a crucial role in curating spaces that provide a holistic and frictionless experience. The integration of technology, including the metaverse, presents exciting opportunities for virtual collaboration and improved commuting experiences. While the future of office spaces will be shaped by various factors, the need for physical workspaces that foster collaboration, creativity, and well-being remains significant.

Overall, the webinar provided valuable insights into the evolving nature of office spaces and the strategies organizations can adopt to create productive, engaging, and future-proof work environments.

Click Here it watch Future of the Office Webinar

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In a dynamic and ever-evolving world, the real estate industry finds itself on the cusp of transformation, fueled by the digital age. The webinar titled “Industry Perspectives on the Digital Transformation of the Real Estate Sector,” hosted by Alex Wiffen, offered a platform for insightful discussions about the challenges, opportunities, and innovations that are reshaping the sector.

With esteemed guest speakers including:
Lorri Rowlandson – Senior Vice President, BGIS
Ella Walter-Pavlou – Innovation Manager, GPE
Alice Guo – Manager, Technology Strategy, ex Oxford Properties
Gregory Pitl – Innovation & Technology Lead, Patrizia

Throughout the conversation, participants explored a wide range of topics, providing a comprehensive view of the current state and future potential of the real estate sector.

Setting the Stage for Transformation The discussion kicked off by addressing the fundamental shifts in customer behavior and expectations, emphasizing the role of digital transformation in reshaping the industry. Guest speakers highlighted the need for the real estate sector to catch up with other industries in terms of technology adoption and innovation.

Navigating Challenges in Digital Transformation The conversation then turned to the challenges that the real estate industry faces in its digital journey. The panelists underscored the significance of data in driving informed decisions, highlighting the existing data gap in the sector. They also pointed out the cultural barriers hindering digital transformation, stressing the importance of fostering a culture that embraces innovation.

Innovations in Real Estate Technology In this segment, the spotlight was on the innovative technologies that are reshaping the industry. PropTech, AI, and IoT were among the transformative technologies discussed. The participants examined how these technologies are revolutionizing the way real estate is managed, operated, and experienced. The discussion also delved into the potential of blockchain to enhance transparency and security in real estate transactions.

The Spectrum of Innovation and Future Predictions The debate shifted to the spectrum of innovation, distinguishing between incremental and radical transformation. The participants explored whether the industry’s current trajectory of gradual change is sufficient or if more disruptive innovation is needed. Additionally, the conversation touched on the skills and education profiles required for effective digital transformation.

Looking forward, the guest speakers shared their predictions for the industry’s digital transformation in the next five and fifty years. While some were optimistic about the pace of change, others highlighted the need for substantial shifts over the longer term. Themes such as 3D printing, the metaverse, automation, data-driven decision-making, and smart cities emerged as potential drivers of transformation.

In a comprehensive view of the entire discussion, it becomes evident that the real estate industry is at a pivotal juncture. The webinar offered valuable insights into the multifaceted challenges and opportunities the sector faces in its journey towards digital transformation. As industry leaders continue to grapple with data management, culture shifts, and the adoption of innovative technologies, it is clear that embracing change is no longer an option but a necessity.

As the industry evolves, collaboration, innovation, and a customer-centric mindset will be the guiding principles that pave the way for a digitally transformed real estate landscape. The webinar “Industry Perspectives on the Digital Transformation of the Real Estate Sector” provided an illuminating forum for experts to shed light on the path ahead, offering valuable takeaways for both professionals and stakeholders in the real estate industry.


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Between February and March this year, the unemployment rate fell to 3.7%, the lowest it has been in 50 years. Job vacancies have remained well over the million mark, reaching 1.3 million in the first quarter of this year. While these figures were exciting news for the country’s economic rebound in a post-pandemic world, employers were seeing the figures as an obstacle. The rising vacancy rate meant that companies were enduring greater competition to secure top-tier talent, as job-seekers have far more opportunities.

But with recent developments across this summer in the socio/political and financial situations in the UK is there still a “War for Talent”?

Earlier this year the issue wasn’t only evident among specialised, senior, C-suite vacancies — it extended to entry-level jobs as well. Companies and their internal talent teams needed to headhunt to fill vacancies, a process that can often become a time consuming battle. Recruitment agency and search consultancy were inundated with requirements… but is this still the case?

In short, yes…

In our sector however, businesses in real estate, construction, and “proptech” could appreciate the industry’s 3.2% vacancy rate back in May 22, 80 base points less than the country’s average 4% vacancy rate.

Although the industry’s figures provided a glimmer of hope that the “war” won’t be as cutthroat, there was another obstacle in the way, compensation rises!

In the real estate industry, when the search for talent commences, expertise and experience are still being prioritised, as perhaps they should. However, with a diminishing pool of talent, traditional employers only have a handful of perks to attract their ideal candidate or future leader – so compensation and is still taking centre stage.

Across all industries, compensation increased by 4.2% between February and March this year. Despite the rise, this figure isn’t enough to outpace the skyrocketing cost of living, meaning, in real terms, pay dropped by 1.2% in the first quarter and with figures yet to be released this drop could be significantly more in the last two quarters…..

These concerns aside, it’s not all doom and gloom as we reach the end of September. Companies in the built environment can still hire the right candidate without lowering expectations and forking over tenfold what you were anticipating.
Instead, in this war for talent, you can attract your ideal candidate by highlighting some of the other benefits of working for your company – but what are they and have you reviewed this since the pandemic ended?

A lot of firms in our sector haven’t grasped the opportunity that the pandemic presented. A lot haven’t modernised, moved with the times and thought about how they could attract and retain talent over and above compensation and an interesting job role. People in our sector are wanting more in this post pandemic world and if they don’t get it, lots are exiting our fantastic industry and going elsewhere!! But there is still time to act now and those that do, will be able to attract and engage key talent and the future leaders of the industry.

Some benefits or other reasons why top talent will engage with your firm include:
– time off
– the work environment
– hybrid working
– increased flexibility
– working hours
plus a range of other company benefits and much more.

Do you want you, your business and your vacancies to stand out from the crowd? If so, as we teeter on the edge of a potential recession, our team can help you discover some of the benefits of working for your company, making your vacancy a magnet for the best talent.

Sidestep the “war for talent” and fight your way out of whatever downturn we go through by making your opportunities and company something that people just can’t ignore.

James Hanson
29th September 2022