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Following on from my blog last week Daily Habits of Highly Successful People – Part 1, take a look at my remaining habits of some highly successful people that could help us all get a lot closer to being a more efficient version of ourselves.

  • They take a deep breath and reflect

A lot of things happen throughout the day.  150 emails, 19 phones calls, 39 conversations, work, and so on. Most of the time we don’t take time daily to think back about our entire day.

Oprah Winfrey says she makes sure to sit in silence for 20 minutes twice a day.

Benjamin Franklin used to end every day by asking ‘What good did I do today?’  This allows you to congratulate yourself for things you have achieved or done well that day, as it gives you a well-earned sense of accomplishment and is proven to help create a grateful state of mind.

  • They plan for tomorrow

Kenneth Chenault (CEO of American Express) always ends each day by writing down three things he wants to achieve the next day. This allows you to set a clear target of what you want to complete when you start the following and avoids any stress or timewasting trying to figure out what you are going to do that day.

  • What they do before bed

The evening is an important time to release that stress from the day, forget about the issues and problems, and prepare yourself for the coming day. Relaxing with your family or friends or work on personal projects helps you to feel refreshed and motivated for the following day.

Obama calls himself a “night owl” and likes to work late. He’s known to hold conference calls with staff members as late as 11 p.m. However, he still ensures he spends quality time with his family and makes time to unwind by reading before bed.

To get the best night’s sleep, Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg turns off her phone at night, but does admit that it’s “painful” for her to do so. Sandberg’s actions would be approved by many Scientists who recommend keeping all electronics out of the bedroom to unwind.

From start to finish, the daily lives of each successful person listed here is very much dictated by their family and job. But there are definitely some patterns that we can all incorporate into our own lives to achieve higher success and order. I for one am definitely looking forward to adopting these habits.

Which of your habits do you feel have maximized your success? Which successful people do you know who also share these habits? Or perhaps do something else religiously that they feel has been essential to their success?



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